Thursday, July 2, 2009


After a beat down from yesterday, we came back to the Aspen Inn exhausted and wondering if we would be making the round trip, eight hour drive to the West Rim of the Grand Canyon. Post uniform prepping and a good nights sleep, we were off to the canyon before 11 a.m. (other record considering we had dropped off a letter and grabbed some coffee.) After fourteen miles of "gravel paved" roads (this terminology meets rental car protocol) leading up to the entrance, we noticed the convertibles putting up their tops and the runaway SUVs with flats.

Finally, we arrived to be corralled through two gift shops before we saw the ticket line. Note: their website is not clear on the full ticket costs ($40. each for the bus ride in addition to the price of the SkyWalk.) We had concerns if we would be offending anyone with the planned performance, but the moment we sat on the bus we knew this could not be possible as Ray, our bus driver/tour guide, pointed out several "oriental" food options. Followed by descriptions of all the "varmints" (pronounced Vaaaarrmints) in the vicinity. However, Ray would prove to be a shining example of political correctness when compared to a tourist group that we have dedicated an entire blog entry to.

Bat Guano was mined here until the 1960s; our bus driver pointed out several times that this was used in lip stick and mascara.

Jacinda neglected to inform anyone of her fear of heights, promising she would not look down, but only out the entire time, having me describe what I was seeing below.

We were unable to bring our camera out onto the Sky Walk and decided that it would best left in the car. We relied on the photos Shaun T. took on the Sky Walk and the small point and shoot digital camera. We purchased all the photos and as a perk, they included the last two images on this post that we thought were spectacular. SPECTACULAR! We waited for rainbow all day but it never appeared; I believe it had moved to the Wal-Mart in Cedar City, Utah.

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